Captain combines machine learning with neural networks. Through training with your company data, patterns are recognized and the AI can provide accurate results. This combination enables Captain to respond to questions and instructions similar like a human: You type your question or instruction into the dialog box, communicating naturally as you would with a colleague or customer.
Captain is designed to learn from user interactions and evolve over time to better understand and predict user needs. This refines the execution of tasks to achieve ever more precise results.
Together, we can develop your enterprise AI, so that it can take on multi-layered tasks. Your employees can automate tasks across different software and systems, break down operational silos and create efficient workflows. By automating routine and complex tasks, Captain frees up valuable resources so your employees can focus on strategic initiatives and creative thinking.
With Captain, you can connect a wide range of applications and services, from communication tools like E-Mail to ERP and CRM systems. Despite its powerful backend, Captain offers a user-friendly interface. Your employees won't need any additional training to use it.
By developing Captain into your enterprise AI and integrating it into your IT landscape, we ensure that sensitive data always remains within the company and data protection risks are minimized. Captain is securely hosted in Germany and build with european values in mind.
It is to be expected that the further development of AI technology will be rapid and not linear. Today's leading AI models could fall behind other models in the future or become completely obsolete. Thanks to the modular and technology agnostic structure of Captain we can always adapt your company's AI to the latest technological changes.
With DGKI, you are always at the cutting edge of technology and benefit from technological leaps by integrating new AI models.